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Pirastro Chromcor Violin Strings

Our Price: $58.63


  • Very responsive
  • clear, brilliant tone with a loud projection.
  • medium gauge tension
  • suitable for full size electric and acoustic violins.

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Pirastro Chromcor Violin Strings offer the unique feature of a high-tensioned, single filament steel core wound with chrome steel.

E - Chrome steel, loop end
A - Chrome steel on steel
D - Chrome steel on steel
G - Chrome steel on steel


  • Clear and very brilliant sound, warmer than Piranito
  • Big tonal volume
  • Suitable for all musicians, especially for fiddlers searching for clear and brilliant sound
  • Very responsive
  • Wound with chrome steel and are therefore long-lasting.
  • Chrome steel cannot corrode and is not affected by hand perspiration.
  • Suitable also for electric or electrically amplified violins

String orders are shipped in 4/4 size and medium gauge unless otherwise requested.

Pirastro Chromcor Violin Strings in action