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Portland Collection Book 2

Our Price: $29.95


  • by Susan Songer with Clyde Curley © 2005
  • 7 by 8.5 inches
  • spiral binding
  • 322 tunes

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The Portland Collection, Volume 2 is a continuation of the music in the first Portland Collection, and its format is identical to that of the earlier book. Volume 2 contains 322 jigs and reels from the Portland, Oregon contra dance repertoire–all music that arrived in Portland since the tunes were collected for the first book in 1994-95. Again, Irish, Scottish, Québécois, Appalachian, and New England genres are represented. The tunes are both traditional and recently composed, from local treasures to national contra dance standards.

There is an extensive commentary on every tune including stories about the tunes from their composers. There are chord suggestions, a discography, a bibliography, and more. The tunes and their histories were collected from many local contra dance musicians who generously gave of their time and talent to help us expand on the music in Volume 1.

Portland Collection Book 2 in action